Godkendelser og testrapporter NF A2P certificate, 800i C NF A2P certificate, 1500i C NF A2P certificate, 2200i CENELEC Approval, 800i C and 1500i C Xtratus fluid test declaration, DTI Xtra plus fluid test declaration, DTI Deklaration og vurdering af tågen, DTI Safety data sheet, fog fluid CE declaration, Xtratus CE declaration, Xtratus Flex CE declaration, QUMULUS CE declaration, FOQUS CE declaration, 600i, 1100i, 2000i CE declaration, Security Strobe IEC CE declaration, Security Strobe EMC CE declaration, Security Strobe LVD CE declaration, Security Sounder Approval of fog fluid, Italy Approval of the fog fluid, Hungary Fog and fog fluid safety assessment, New Zealand and Australia FG approval 600i, 1100i, 2200i, Norway Product registraton 600, Sweden ISI product approval Israel Kiwa NCP Declaration, NL Secured by design certificate